5 Reasons Why Short Term Rentals Beat Long Term Rentals!

Ever wondered whether you should convert your long term rental into a short term rental? 

Here are the TOP FIVE reasons why investors are converting their long term rentals into short term rentals.

BONUS: Case studies from experienced investors! 

Learn why other investors are switching to short term rentals! 

Are you leaving money on the table? Read case studies from other long term rental investors who wish they switched sooner! 

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Hi, I'm Diya

I help both real estate investing newbies as well as seasoned investors alike maximum their rental cashflow with vacation rentals and hotels. 

I currently own 3 boutique hotels, a dozen short term rentals, and run two masterminds on real estate investing. I leverage my lawyer background to help students use advanced deal structures to maximize their ROI on a single $100K investment. 


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A crash course to get you started on your short term rental investing today!